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Spinal/Joint Injections

About the Examination

A spinal/joint, or facet joint, injection is a procedure used by doctors to diagnose spinal conditions and relieve pain.

Fluoroscopic screening, a specialised type of x-ray imaging procedure used to produce 2D moving images of internal parts of the body, is used by doctors to ensure that the injection is administered precisely and efficiently.

What are Spinal/Joint Injections?

During a spinal/joint injection a local anaesthetic is administered to the spinal area. Doctors then use fluoroscopic imaging technology as a guide to ensure that the numbing agent or medication is delivered accurately and efficiently to the facet joint.

What part of the anatomy is examined by Spinal/Joint Injections?

Spinal/joint injections are used to evaluate and deliver pain relief to the spinal joints.

What conditions can be diagnosed by Spinal/Joint Injections?

Spinal/joint injections are commonly used to diagnose the cause of severe back pain and to administer pain relief to patients who suffer from arthritis.

Administering a numbing agent allows doctors to determine whether the facet joint is the source of back pain, while injecting medication can offer arthritis patients fast and effective pain relief.

Why are Spinal/Joint Injections required?

Spinal/joint injections are required for patients who suffer from extreme back pain, due to arthritis or other, undiagnosed, conditions.

What are the Risks and Complications of Spinal/Joint Injections?

A risk commonly associated with x-rays is radiation exposure, which can lead to cancer. However, patients are typically only exposed to a few seconds of low level radiation in a localised area. 

There is also a low risk of infection and bleeding following a spinal/joint injection.

On rare occasions patients may suffer from a severe reaction to the contrast medium and experience:

  • Low blood pressure
  • Anaphylactic shock
  • Cardiac Arrest

About the Equipment

Equipment specifications of Spinal/Joint Injections

A variety of equipment is needed to perform a spinal/joint injection procedure including:

  • Contrast medium
  • Fluoroscopy machine
  • Monitor
  • Syringe and needle
  • Electrodes

Alternative for Spinal/Joint Injections

  • If a spinal/joint injections fails to deliver pain relief or lead to diagnosis doctors may use any of the following procedures to gather more information:
  • Digital x-ray
  • CT scan
  • MRI

Preparation for Spinal/Joint Injections

Is a special diet required before spinal/joint injections

As a local anaesthetic will be used during the procedure you will need to abstain from food and drink for up to twelve hours before your procedure. 

If you are regularly taking any blood thinning medication, you will also need to stop for a couple of days before the procedure.

What should a patient tell the Radiographer before Spinal/Joint Injections?

 It is important that you are completely healthy when undergoing this procedure. You will need to alert your doctor if:

  • You suffer from diabetes
  • Are pregnant or think you may be
  • Are recovering from surgery or any other illness
  • You take any regular medications
  • Are taking blood thinning medication (such as aspirin)

What should a patient bring for spinal/joint injections?

You should bring your medications with you, along with any other images or test results your doctor requests.

What should a patient wear for spinal/joint injections

You will need to undress, so you should try and wear something that is comfortable and easy to remove. 

You will be provided with a place to change and a hospital gown to wear.

How Long will Spinal/Joint Injections take?

The spinal/joint injection procedure takes between 30 and 60 minutes to complete.

Spinal/Joint Injections Procedure Description

What does Spinal/Joint Injections involve?

There are two main reasons a spinal/joint injection is performed:

  • To determine if a facet joint is the source of back pain
  • To deliver medication to the facet joint

In both cases the procedure is the same, the only difference is the type of medication delivered: a medical block (for diagnosis) or a type of anti-inflammatory (for pain relief).

Detail the specific steps during Spinal/Joint Injections

Once you are ready for the procedure you will be asked to lay down on your stomach. During the procedure your heart rate, blood pressure and oxygen levels will be monitored to ensure your health. 

A local anaesthetic is applied to the spine, but you will remain awake for the procedure. Before the medication or block is injected, the doctor will administer a contrast medium to the site. This will allow the doctor to view the facet joint using the fluoroscopic machine, which captures live images of the area using x-rays.

Once the doctor can view the area clearly, they carefully use the images as a guide and inject the block or medication precisely.

Post Spinal/Joint Injections instructions

What are the Recovery Details?

After the procedure you will need to remain in the hospital, under observation, until the anaesthetic has worn off. This will usually take less than 30 minutes.

Some patients may notice feelings of weakness, numbness or tingling in their legs, or muscle spasms after the procedure. 

You should not engage in strenuous activity, swim or have a bath for the first 24 hours after the procedure, although you are allowed to shower.

Some patients may also experience temporary side effects from the contrast medium. Possible side effects include: 

  • Warm flushes
  • Blurred vision
  • White coloured feces
  • Nausea
  • Lightheadedness
  • Itching or hives

Can I Drive Home?

It will not be safe for you to drive for up to 24 hours after the procedure, so you will need to arrange for a friend or family member to pick you up and take you home.

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